
Osale koomiksilaagris “NORDICOMICS YOUTH! CAMP”



Dates: 10.–15.8.2014

Venue: Luukki Camp Center, Espoo, Finland

Target group:  18–20-year-old comic artists

The Finnish Comics Society organises the first Nordicomics Youth! comics camp for young artists in August 2014. The camp is aimed at 18–20-year-old comic artists and creators currently living in Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Estonia.

During the camp the participants get to work on their own, preplanned comics projects and take part in supporting workshops.The camp is also a great way to meet other young artists from the neighbouring Nordic countries and build life-long kinships across the borders.


Tutoring pre-camp

Before the camp, all participants will also receive tutoring for their individual projects via email from the Finnish teachers that will lead the camp workshops. This will ensure that everyone can start working on their projects from right from the get-go.

The workshops

The 5-day camp offers 8 different workshops from which the participants can select the ones that best support their own work. The workshops will be led by Finnish comics professionals, who will plan the workshops to best suit the participants projects. The workshops will include both technical and storytelling support, and their topics will vary between e.g. comics journalism, colouring techniques and script writing.

Excursions to Helsinki

The camp will also include excursions into Helsinki to see the sights, exhibitions and to discover all the comics hotspots of the capital.


After the camp, the participants’ projects will be featured at the Helsinki Comics Festival 2014 in September and an exhibition of the works will be held at the Helsinki Comics Center in late Autumn.


In addition to the workshops and tutoring, the participants will get free return tickets to Finland (flights or ferry), accommodation and meals at Luukki Camp Center during the camp. The participants should be prepared to pay for the small excursion costs themselves (i.a. local transport and possible entry fees).



The camp group will consist of max. 15 participants (3 artists from each country). Application to the camp will be done in two parts via email.

PART 1: Initial email

Please include the following details in your message:

–        Name

–        Age

–        Reference pictures of your works (a link to a blog or website)

–        A short description of the project you would like to work on during the camp

The email should be sent by Friday 20th June 2014 to nordicomics@gmail.com. Nordicomics Youth” in your message. Confirmation replies will be sent to all applicants by Monday 23rd June.

PART 2: Tutoring comics

Before the camp, the selected participants should all draw a short, 1-page comic about which aspects of comics (e.g. certain techniques, genres) they are most interested in learning more about and what kind of workshops they feel would best support their proposed comic project. The comics should be sent by 30th June to nordicomics@gmail.com.


Young artists: be brave and send us your proposals! We eagerly wait to hear from your projects, and look forward to helping you kickstart new ones at Nordicomics Youth come August!
For questions regarding the camp, its arrangements or details please contact karri.lehtonen@sarjakuvakeskus.fi with the message title “Nordicomics Youth”.


The Nordicomics Youth! camp is organised by the Finnish Comics Society and supported by Nordic Children’s and Youth Committee – NORDBUK.