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Teacher training webinar: Climate Call!

Lühikoolitused ja seminarid

The main focus of the webinar is to demonstrate how easy it is to use the Climate Call card game and accompanying teaching materials to create an energizing classroom atmosphere while exploring important environmental topics.


Üldhariduse suvekool 2024


Maailmahariduse suvekoolis üldhariduse õpetajatele võtame fookusesse rände, lähenedes sellele lõimumise, kohanemise ja ühiskonna sidususe vaatepunktist.


Estonian Model United Nations 2024

Muud sündmused

We are happy to announce that registration for participation in the Estonian Model United Nations 2024 has officially begun! Working on various world political issues, understanding the power of the mass media, representing a certain country – all this (and much more!) is possible in the Estonian Model United Nations. If you are a young person aged 14-19 who is interested in global issues, we are waiting for you to take part in the Model United Nations, which will take place from April 25 to 28, 2024 (25.-28.04.2024) at Jäneda külalistemaja. No participation fee, meals and accommodation provided! Transport to the venue will be organised by participants (Jäneda is easily accessible by train). Do not miss a chance to get an amazing, unforgettable experience with EstMUN 2024!


Tähista õiglase kaubanduse kuud: tegevused koolidele ja noortekeskustele

Manual, handbook or methodical collection, Environment, climate and sustainability, Social justice and rights' protection, Consumption and economy, 16+, 13–16, 10–13, Social studies, Natural science, Foreign languages, Estonian

Kogumik annab ülevaate erinevatest tegevustest, mille abi noortega õiglase kaubanduse teemat avada ning toetada noorte pädevusi maailmakodanikena.



Film, Social justice and rights' protection, Migrants and refugees, Humanitarian crises and conflicts, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Foreign languages, Physical education, Estonian, Europe

Kui endine professionaalne ujuja Sara ja tema õde Yusra sõjast räsitud Süüriast Saksamaale jõudsid, olid nad Euroopa kõige kuulsamad pagulased. Nüüd ähvardab Sarat 20-aastane vanglakaristus selle eest, et töötas Kreekas abiorganisatsioonis vabatahtlikuna ning aitas teisi pagulasi.


The Last Human

Film, Environment, climate and sustainability, Migrants and refugees, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian, English, North America

Life on Earth begins and ends with Greenland. Researcher Minik Rosing’s landmark discovery of the first life contrasts with the melting ice masses in Ivalo Frank’s tribute to her beautiful homeland. Our most basic understanding of the origins of life was recently turned upside down when Greenlandic scientist Minik Rosing discovered the first traces of life on Earth in a small fjord near Isua. His discovery predated all previous traces of life by over 300 million years. Life began in Greenland. But at the same time, its melting ice masses are accelerating day by day, and scientists around the world agree that it could drown our entire civilisation if it is allowed to continue. Director Ivalo Frank’s new film is a tribute to her vast, scenic country, caught between two extremes: the beginning and the end of life on Earth as we know it.


Burned: Are Trees the New Coal?

Film, Environment, climate and sustainability, 16+, 13–16, Natural science, Estonian, English, Europe, North America

Burned: Are Trees the New Coal? takes a hard look at woody biomass. Using interviews with experts, activists, and citizens, along with footage shot across the world, Burned interweaves the science of climate change, escalating energy-policy disputes and the dynamics of forest ecology. This film presents a visceral account of a somewhat unknown national and international controversy.



Film, Environment, climate and sustainability, Growing to be a global citizen, Migrants and refugees, 16+, 13–16, Estonian, English, Asia, Australia and Oceania

When Dian was six years old, she heard a deep rumble and turned to see a tsunami of mud barreling towards her village. Her mother scooped her up to save her from the boiling mud. Her neighbors ran for their lives. Sixteen villages, including Dian's, were wiped away, forever buried under 60 feet of mud. A decade later, 60,000 people have been displaced from what was once a thriving industrial and residential area in East Java. Dozens of factories, schools and mosques are completely submerged under a moonscape of ooze and grit. The cause? Lapindo, an Indonesian company drilling for natural gas in 2006, unleashed a violent, unstoppable flow of hot sludge from the earth's depths. It is estimated that the mudflow will not end for another decade. Shot over the course of six years, GRIT bears witness to Dian's transformation from young girl to a politically active teenager as she and her mother launch a resistance campaign against the drilling company.


Tackling discrimination: My Learning Diary

Manual, handbook or methodical collection, Intercultural dialogue, Social justice and rights' protection, Migrants and refugees, Social studies, English

The manual “Tackling discrimination: My Learning Diary” supports educators on tackling discrimination in its different forms.


SAFER Online Course

Webcourse, Intercultural dialogue, Social justice and rights' protection, Migrants and refugees, 16+, English

The SAFER online training course focuses on finding solutions to tackle discrimination in the school environment.


Miss Manipulation

Film, Lesson plan, Media and social media, Health and security, Social justice and rights' protection, 16+, 13–16, 10–13, Social studies, Foreign languages, Estonian, English, Russian

The film reveals how mainstream media and pop culture contribute to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence.


Virtual exhibition “One Day, I Will”

Exhibiton, Virtual exhibiton, Social justice and rights' protection, Migrants and refugees, Humanitarian crises and conflicts, 16+, 13–16, 10–13, English

Welcome to a virtual exhibition that will broaden your world and soul!


Thank you for the rain

Film, Environment, climate and sustainability, Growing to be a global citizen, Food and water, 16+, 13–16, Natural science, Estonian, English, Russian, Africa

"Thank You for the Rain" addresses many challenges related to climate change and climate justice, such as urbanization, gender equality, education, access to drinking water, climate refugees and adaptation.


Anote laev

Film, Lesson plan, Roleplay, Environment, climate and sustainability, Social justice and rights' protection, Migrants and refugees, 16+, 13–16, Estonian, English, Russian, Asia, Australia and Oceania

The documentary examines the impact of the tragedy of climate change on the island nation's residents, and in doing so, issues a stark warning to the rest of the world.


Summer School on Media Literacy


NGO Mondo’s annual global citizenship education summer school designed for teachers and youth workers takes place from the 21st to 23rd August in Võsu.  This [...]


13. eesmärk. Kliimamuutuste vastased meetmed

Background information, Environment, climate and sustainability, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Tegutseda kiirelt ja otsustavalt kliimamuutuste ja nende mõjuga võitlemiseks.


2. eesmärk. Kaotada nälg

Background information, Food and water, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Kaotada nälg, saavutada toiduga kindlustatus ja täisväärtuslikum toitumine ning toetada kestlikku põllumajandust.


6. eesmärk. Puhas vesi ja sanitaartingimused

Background information, Food and water, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Tagada puhas joogivesi, sanitaartingimused ja kestlik veemajandus.


7. eesmärk. Taskukohane ja puhas energia

Background information, Consumption and economy, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Tagada kõigile taskukohane, kindel, kestlik ja kaasaegne energia.


Individuaalne hinnang " Mitu töölist töötab sinu heaks?"

Assignement, Intercultural dialogue, Consumption and economy, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Foreign languages, English

Õpilased teevad testi Slavery Footprinti veebilehel. Test näitab, mitu ekspluateeritud töölist on hinnanguliselt nende igapäevaasjadega seotud. 


Humanitaarabi ja kodanikukaitse

Background information, Humanitarian crises and conflicts, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, 10–13, Social studies, Estonian, Europe

Käesolev väljaanne kuulub sarja, mis kirjeldab ja põhjendab Euroopa Liidu tegevust humanitaarabi ja kodanikukaitse valdkondades ning selle tegevuse tulemusi.


Säästva arengu seletav sõnastik

Background information, Environment, climate and sustainability, Consumption and economy, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Säästva arengu seletav sõnastik toob välja 41 selle valdkonna olulist mõistet.


Linke säästva arengu teemalistele veebilehtedele

Background information, Environment, climate and sustainability, Consumption and economy, Development, cooperation and international agreements, 16+, 13–16, 10–13, Social studies, Natural science, Estonian

Erinevad lingid järgmistes kategooriates: säästev areng, keskkonnakaitse ja keskkonnaharidus; riiklikud jm avalikud asutused; keskkonnakasvatus jpm.