
EstMUN is looking for new volunteers to join the team

Join the EstMUN Conference Staff – the inspiring international team of the Model United Nations enthusiasts!

EstMUN Conference team is a group of volunteers, who organises the yearly event Estonian Model United Nations. The conference brings together around 100 youth from Estonia and more.

What we offer:

  • new and fun experience working side-by-side with like-minded and highly motivated young people, organizing a 4-day conference in April along with a few preparatory events
  • training opportunities in public speaking and leadership as well as a deep-dive in a myriad of issues facing the world
  • become a chairman of a whole committee or join the secretariat and run the conference from the sidelines
  • networking opportunities
  • unique experience that will stand out in your college application 

You should be:

  • curious and motivated 
  • 14-19 years old
  • with a good knowledge of English

Write unescoschools@mondo.org.ee if you’re interested in becoming a team member.