Virtual exhibition “One Day, I Will”
- • Выставка
- • Виртуальная выставка
- • Социальная справедливость и защита прав
- • Мигранты и беженцы
- • Гуманитарные кризисы и конфликты
- • 16+
- • 13–16
- • 10–13
- • английский
The virtual version of Vincent Tremeau’s exhibition “One Day, I Will” was created in cooperation with NGO Mondo, The Juhan Kuus Documentary Photo Centre and the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Learning materials have been created by global education experts to accompany discussions about the exhibition among children and youth. Learning materials are available for three different age groups. Both the exhibition and materials are available in English and Estonian.
Children’s rights (age 10-13)
Slide show
Material for teacher
Girls in military conflicts (age 13-16)
Slide show
Material for teacher
Student worksheet
The UN and military conflicts (age 16-19)
Slide show
Material for teacher
Student worksheet
NB! Before taking a virtual tour we recommend that you read through the exhibition background information available in Room 1 of the Documentary Photo Centre. We kindly ask you to share your impressions, experiences and learnig materials’ feedback in the guestbook after your visit.
Wishing you a mind-expanding experience.
Docphoto — Storyteller of Life!
Extra information:
Concerning the exhibition: dokfoto.ee, kristel@dokfoto.ee
Concerning the learning materials: maailmaharidus@mondo.org.ee
The creation of the learning materials for the virtual exhibition was supported by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the funds of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.