SAFER Online Course
- • Онлайн-курс
- • Межкультурный диалог
- • Социальная справедливость и защита прав
- • Мигранты и беженцы
- • 16+
- • английский
You are very welcome to participate in the Safer online training course!
Educators and other professionals in schools work in demanding contexts – and in this environment, all the layers of discussion underway in society are present. When in school, we are almost always in a hurry. Many times our wish would be to get an effective lecture and workshop of a maximum of three hours that would provide a clear, practical and simple ”toolbox” for how to solve the problem of discrimination. That’s it. If only it was that easy.
When you start to read about and study the issue of discrimination, you quickly find out that it is an extremely complex phenomenon. Hate speech and other clearly visible forms of discrimination are just the peak of the phenomenon; one example of the part that we can see and hear. But the actual roots are under the surface and the historical roots are long. Perhaps this is the reason why it feels so difficult to stop discrimination from happening. We try to tackle the things that we see, but the only sustainable solution is found from the roots.
The SAFER online training course focuses on finding solutions and focuses especially on the school environment. It supports teachers and other professionals in schools, who need more know-how and competence on how to tackle discrimination in all its different forms.
This course was created as part of the SAFER (Schools Act For Equal Rights) Erasmus+ project. The contents of the web course are based on a manual “Tackling discrimination: My Learning Diary” composed by Amiirah Salleh-Hoddin, Tadeja Pirih, Eeva-Liisa Kiiskilä. The course is free of charge, but we ask you to kindly register.