Estonian Model United Nations
What is Model United Nations?
Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational conference where young people have an opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the United Nations decision-making process. During the simulation, participants strive to find realistic and effective solutions to global challenges that threaten either international security, stability, or human rights adherence. The goal of the MUN is to provide young individuals with the opportunity to take on the role of a diplomat, thereby learning how to prepare for and engage in debates and how to navigate a complex multilateral environment.
MUN conferences are organized worldwide and can be conducted at the high school or university level in different formats depending on participants’ interests and skills. Once a year, Mondo, in collaboration with young Estonian MUN enthusiasts, organizes an international conference Estonian Model United Nations (EstMUN) for students aged 14-19.
EstMUN, for instance, has so far addressed a wide range of topics, such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, the Belarus border crisis, girls’ education rights in refugee camps, and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.Find more information about the MUN format from the handbook.

EstMUN events agendas
What makes the Estonian Model United Nations special?
- It is an entry level MUN conference, which is beginner-friendly providing training and support to new delegates.
- Participation is open to middle and high school students aged 14-19, with teachers welcome to partake as observers.
- EstMUN is international, making English the working language for the entire program.
- The participation in the conference is free.
- Preparatory work and the work in committees as well as in the General Assembly configuration are led by the experienced organizing team of EstMUN Youth.
- Outstanding participants in various categories are recognized at the end of each conference.
- EstMUN introduces new committees and configurations each year in both formal and informal lines of work, ensuring a wide range of activities satisfying different interests and offering something unique to each participant.

What to expect from the MUN programme?
The MUN programme can be divided into two distinct parts: preparatory work and participation in the EstMUN conference. While specifics may vary yearly based on the thematic focus, funding, and other circumstances, the programme generally consists of the following events:
Preparatory work:
- Announcement of topics and opening of applications for the EstMUN conference;
- Thematic seminars to help students get first insights into the respective topics and meet with experts in each field;
- Regional mini-simulations providing young people with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the MUN vocabulary and rules of procedure in an informal setting of a half-a-day event;
- Announcement of application results, allocation of countries, and committees to the selected participants;
- Independent preparatory work prior to the conference, including written assignments, such as composing a position paper outlining the background information on the topic and the delegation’s stance.
Participation in the EstMUN conference:
- The conference lasts four days.
- In addition to working in committees and the General Assembly meeting, a number of social events and press conferences take place.

Where can I learn more about Estonian Model United Nations?
- For additional questions, contact the EstMUN organizing team:
- Watch various videos on the Maailmakool YouTube channel that introduce the MUN format and different topics.