Please Talk Peacefully
Welcome to an e-course, which covers the topics of Human Rights, Solution Focused Approach (SF) and Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
You can find it useful if you are a youth worker, community worker, educator, teacher, trainer, group leader or a facilitator.
The two approaches – SF and NVC might seem very different, and at the same time they might complement each other very well, as both of them go especially well together with the topic of Human Rights. We chose two methods where focus is placed on recognising the needs and resources of another person and the ownership of their actions towards change. which has an empowering effect on the person with whom we converse. Check it yourself!
This course came to life as an outcome of a strategic partnership project implemented with the financial support from Erasmus+ programme. The project was developed by three organisations: Mondo MTU (Estonia), Ribalon Institute (Slovenia) and KobieTY (Poland).
European Commission Erasmus+ programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.